Tuesday 3 December 2013

Content lock pro - the next generation content locker

content lock pro - the next generation content locker is maybe you've been thinking about getting into cpa marketing for a while now, or perhaps you're already making some money with cost-per-action. If not, then you are missing one of the most lucrative boats to come along in internet marketing for years.

making money with cpa is all about controlling the attention of your prospects, and pushing them into your sales funnels.

you've probably seen the classic email submit campaigns where you can "win a $1000 gift card" just for entering your email address into a form. That's cpa. You earn a commission every time the end-user takes that specific action.

until now though, it was like cutting teeth getting people to part with this kind of personal information.

free downloadable reports used to work , but people just don't seem to care about free information anymore.

nowadays, you need a way to basically hold your traffic hostage - virtually forcing them to complete your cpa offers ... Causing an avalanche of cash to flood into your bank account. That's where content lock pro comes in

nb click here before reading on if you're new to content locking and/or affiliate networks. We've prepared a quick intro for you to help you understand the basics of it all.

remember when you were a kid? you'd see something in the window of your local store that was so appealing - you absolutelyhad to have it. Whether it was a toy, clothes, a comic book, a pet, or whatever - you didn't care how much it cost ... you just knew that you needed it .

you would do absolutely whatever it took to acquire that item. When you provide that kind of content to your users, and protect it with content lock pro - your traffic will almost beg you to let them give youtheir email address . Of course, with content lock pro you are not just limited to email submits. You can make money with toolbar downloads, software, and more.

basically the only requirement for having success with content lock pro is having " content hungry traffic ". How you monetize that traffic is up to you. They'll be more than happy to take whatever action you tell them to in order to receive your valuable content.

we aren't the only ones making money with content lock pro. We have an extremely active member base, and are constantly improving the content lock pro system based on their feedback, observations, and profits .

here's what some of our users have to say about the cash they've earned with content lock pro : i was one of the lucky ones who got their hands on content lock pro earlier. I also own bhcb for about 2 years i think but never liked it that there s only the timer function. And the problem with cpalead, adscendmedia and the others is that you will have a much lower payout then when you use your own cpa offers. so content lock pro is just perfect for content locking. A selfhosted locker with postback... What else do you want? installation as well as the setup of the lockers itself is very easy, you get many predesigned backgrounds/themes (many for movie and tv niche), you have a good geo targeting... Really recommended, just get it and see yourself, you won t be disappointed. I wish you good luck and many sales and thank you for this great product. - kelly winston

i was excited when bryan and thomas let me get a sneak peek at their new creation content lock pro. I'm no slouch when it comes to content blockers. I have literally tried almost all of th...Read More detail

content lock pro - the next generation content locker


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