Thursday 5 December 2013

Coupon mage | the #1 coupon management and automation solution.

coupon mage | the #1 coupon management and automation solution. is need to increase sales volume? your payment processor doesn't support coupons? problem solved coupon mage will allow you to issue coupons with any processor, on any website platform it's changing the way product sales happen you can't sell without it.

access and manage coupons for all of your products and websites from a single easy to use control panel. If you have one or several products and websites you can manage all of your coupons for each of them all in one place.

coupon mage works with just about any payment processor, whether or not they support their own coupon system. Chances are if you can sell products with your processor, you can use this software to instantly manage coupons.

increase your sales and profits using coupon mage to create and manage special discounts and promotions during holidays, special events or product launches within minutes.

that's right, you can use coupon mage on any type of website you might be running. Wordpress blogs, standalone html websites, sales pages, forums and more

imagine being able to virtually guarantee your clickbank affiliates get credit for the sale by creating a custom 'hard-coded' coupon code that will credit your affiliate even if the customer didn't click their affiliate link

you heard that right, you can use coupon mage to manage an unlimited number of custom coupon codes for an unlimited number of products on an unlimited number of websites. For one low price you can't beat it.

spice up your sales and promotions with customizable valid, invalid and expired messages create messages on a per product, or an individual coupon basis.

everything is in real-time. When you add a coupon, customize a coupon message, turn a coupon off, or a coupon expires, the changes take effect now, not later. No template changes or code editing required to see it happen, it just does.

never before has there been such an easy to use, flexible and extremely profitable solution to increase sales and profits with online sales. At coupon mage we give you the features, functionality and support to increase your profits with online sales.

not only do we provide incredible value and quality with our products, but we stand by them 100% and have a support desk open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Most inquiries are addressed within 48 hours and we pride ourselves with customer service and satisfaction.

adam has thought of everything with coupon mage for anyone that wants to use coupon codes, the answer is coupon mage it is so simple to use, and it doesn't do stupid stuff like limit the number of coupons you can create finally, somebody that gets it and knows what we want

there are so many creative ways this can be used for shop keepers, affiliate marketers and of course anyone with their own products.

copyright 2012 coupon mage All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be sold, copied, distributed, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or digital, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.Read More detail

coupon mage | the #1 coupon management and automation solution.


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