Wednesday 8 January 2014

Balancing body chemistry for energy and health

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This is not just a case of heartburn that you can relieve by popping a Tums. It's an acidic build-up in the cells and tissues of your body that leaves you vulnerable to a whole world of health problems—including cardiovascular disease and hypertension, osteoporosis, obesity, premature aging, diabetes and more.

It's time you learned the truth about this hidden health wrecker—so you can relieve, and even reverse, your most troublesome health problems.

Pioneer in discovering and developing new, natural health remedies and safe alternatives from the cutting edge of natural science...

Would you ever drink a cup of acid? Of course not! You know it could literally eat you away from the inside out—causing you a tremendous amount of pain and maybe even death in the process.

But consider this... if you follow the typical American diet, every meal you eat is sending the acid levels in your body off the charts.

You might not feel pain like you would if you spill acid on your skin, but this hidden acidity can cause long-term damage that's just as serious.

You see... your overall health is closely linked to your body's pH levels—which are a measure of your acidity or alkalinity. Your body works hard to keep your blood at the slightly alkaline pH of 7.35 to 7.45. When your pH drops below 7.0, you become more and more acidic—and that's where you run into trouble...

Excessive acidity in your tissues allows harmful organisms to thrive in your body—and spill over into your bloodstream. Your immune system's response is to trigger inflammation—which is now widely recognized as the underlying cause of all chronic illnesses.

Most people DON'T KNOW that acidic pH is causing their chronic health problems—because their doctors don't know it either. That's why I've written a Special Medical Report to give you the real story of acid overload—and to reveal how easy it is to relieve, and even reverse, your worst illnesses.

Are you sick and tired of being constantly dogged by aches and pains... and nagged by the embarrassing ailments we all experience as we age?

My name is Michael Cutler, M.D. and I'm the Editor for Easy Health Digest™. I created Easy Health Digest™ to deliver you weekly breakthrough solutions and discoveries to help boost your energy levels... fight off common health problems... and help you enjoy life on your terms.

It's called Balancing Body Chemistry, How Reducing Acid Can Unleash Abundant Energy and Healing, and it reveals...

"The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause... too much tissue acid waste in the body!" —Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die

It doesn't take much to throw off the delicate acid/alkaline balance in your body—and send your body sailing into a frustrating cycle of sickness and disease. But usually one of these acid-boosters is to blame...

For example... After you breathe in oxygen, you breathe out carbon dioxide, a form of carbonic acid. Your liver makes bile acids, which are stored in your gall bladder. Your kidneys excrete uric acid. Your muscles make lactic acid. And your stomach uses hydrochloric acid to digest the food you eat.

In my Special Medical Report, Balancing Body Chemistry, you'll not only discover the potentially damaging acids created by your own body—but you'll see the amazing plan your body has in place to neutralize those acids before they can do you harm. It reveals...

Researcher T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D...

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