Thursday 2 January 2014

Best man speech ideas - vote of thanks - father of the bride speech

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Frieda was a young lady in her early 20’s. We were having dinner together with her husband one day. Suddenly she popped the question…

“How do I get over the fear of facing the audience? I get scared when I see many eyes staring at me. I want to voice my opinion, but somehow I’m tongue tied when I face a large crowd. Therefore, I normally keep my opinions to myself.”

Over the years, I’ve been faced with the same question by participants of my public speaking seminars. Their names change, their faces change but the question remains the same…“How do I get over the fear of facing the audience?”

If you are in the same boat, do not worry. I have researched many books, videos & interviewed many of my students to provide you numerous solutions to this issue.

When you purchase Fearless Public Speaking, you will discover why we fear speaking in public. This knowledge will help us understand ourselves and quickly overcome our apprehension during a verbal communication. You will also discover the various types of public speaking fears and how to convert your fears into your strengths.

Once you acquire the knowledge of this “fear factor”, then I will present you some effective fear management techniques such as how to drain excessive adrenalin out of your system. Boosting your “feel-good” factor by eating the right food will also be discussed. Not to forget effective breathing techniques too..

Moving on, we will discuss why it is important to know your stuff and do your homework prior to...

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