Monday 6 January 2014

Dating secrets - dating advice - dating tips - how to attract women

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Dear Dateless Friend, Are you tired? Tired of being alone... Dreaming of a day when it'll all be different. A day when you're dating gorgeous women... and having real sex with them, not some cyber simulation? The day when you'll actually be happy? Are you tired of your social life consisting of women you fantasize about, most of whom don't even know you're alive. And the ones who do, don't even give you the time of day. Girls you would die to be kissing... holding... making love to. But to them, you're invisible. That's the way it used to be for Ben.

You can be just like Ben. You really can. But first... I need you to recall something for me. A feeling. One I'm sure you've felt before. It's that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach whenever you even try to talk to a beautiful woman. That dread as you approach her... that queasiness as she rejects you. The feeling of failure you get when you strike out yet again.

Because I'm about to introduce you to the one proven dating program designed for the real guy like you. The step-by-step system that's like strapping a jetpack onto your social life... No... it's not a guide for those metrosexual primpers with highlights in their hair, spray-on tans and six-pack abs... And not a guide that teaches Neanderthals how to mess with a girl's mind and self-esteem, in order to get laid. If you're looking for a guide like that then look somewhere else. But before you do let me make this clear...

What you can't see in the picture is the paunchy belly...

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