Thursday 16 January 2014

Free presentation shows you how to boost your iq by 40 points! « building brain power

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The meat of the course, this ebook (delivered as a pdf file) is the most comprehensive guide to cognitive enhancement available anywhere. You’ll learn the science behind how the brain works and what determines your mental performance. You’ll then learn countless ways you can improve your cognition and mental performance. (delivered as a .pdf file)

This is the structured mental workout regimen. It will lay out exactly what you should do for 90 days to get the brain you want. I understand everyone’s brain is different and everyone will progress at a different rate. (delivered as a .xls file)

For these reasons, commentary is provided on a weekly basis to help guide you individually through the process.

It is a proven fact that tracking your progress through any course will greatly increase your success rate. This excel template will making keeping track of all the advice outlined in this program a breeze. This tracker links to the most reliable IQ tests and over 100 mental exercises. (delivered as a .xls file)

Finding reliable places to purchase the nootropic supplements you need can be a hassle. This component reviews many nootropic vendors. Learn about where they are based, the quality of their products, and the prices they charge. (delivered as a .pdf file)

The world of cognitive enhancement is constantly changing. New research is constantly being published, and new levels of understanding are being...

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