Friday 10 January 2014

Get a better body - look and feel better in 4 weeks

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Every person in our test group who read this groundbreaking book had their own excuse for not working out. EVERY person improved their habits before even getting to Chapter 5! 12 diverse trainers, so you will definitely connect with the patterns and variety!

In just 4 months with the The VIP Food & Fit Club, you will be absolutely AMAZED at FINALLY discovering a meal plan that really works for you. Use the meal plans provided, or easily customize for your kitchen and habits.

I love this Ebook – EXCLUSIVE to this Better Body Wannabe System. Not only does it give you our Top 10 recipes, but you’ll also gain access to the food philosophy that works for even foodies like us. We just couldn’t stop at 10, so we added EXTRA recipes, flour mixtures, we reveal our favorite morning juice, and OTHER BONUSES!

I really enjoy the variety of trainers. Not just because of the additional information and advice, but because it shows you can come from any background. It also shows that people have more that motivates them than an image. Anything can motivate a person, we don’t have to be stuck in a box. Plus, hearing their stories and tips helps me evaluate and learn what a better body means to me. You start thinking of things you didn’t before, and it changes your perspective a bit. For instance, I recently told myself I am committed to working out every morning and completing p90. However, Christian and I are going through some financial struggles right now, . I have been working longer days, and have only been able to eat dinner most days (due to.a busy schedule) So when I missed a couple days this week I didn’t beat myself up over it. Instead I told myself working out a few times a week is probably better right now since my intake is less than normal. It’s very encouraging Random M.

The nice thing about it is that you can actually change at any time of your life.” This quote from the book is so inspiring to me, a 50′s gal who wants to get healthy, but tends to put off exercising. And while I probably wouldn’t use a gym, I definitely need a push in the right direction to get me out of my computer chair and moving on a daily basis. I felt the trainers–and the author–provided realistic suggestions to combat my put-it-off-until-tomorrow philosophy and challenged me to believe I CAN get healthy.Mary H.

An inspiring guide from some of today’s innovative workout professionals – made me get off the couch and get moving! Thank you, TiffanyMichelle Q.

Throw all your doubts, fears, obstacles… away. Wannabe feel better?! Take a look at this very motivating book. I am usually intimidated by this type of book. I like being active, but exercise or even hinting at it? yuk, I am not an athlete, and never wanted to be. But this book has you ready to slough off any myths of what it means to be “fit,” and “eat healthy.” It is encouraging and insightful information from people that are, and is encouraging to us who are not. It is just as it says in the title, “Wannabe?” Here are real life steps to taking control, and being able to see can and has been done, instead of what cannot, and was not done. I love this. Every time I read it I find yet another lovely tidbit to help me stay focused on what my true goals are. Dawn M.

I love Tiffany Youngren’s breezy style of writing. The book was well organized. She gave an overview of each trainer, wrote the narrative by each one and then summarized with the top 12 hints to success from each one. I was not only inspired to get into training at a...

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