Monday 27 January 2014

Get lean project - 19 days 'til your leanest body

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Yes, that’s right if you think this program won’t work for you… you are probably right!

This program requires JUST 19 DAYS of sustained effort by the small percentage of people who desperately want to transform their body

Failure, desperation and pure frustration is what so many people get from following the latest fad diet, or training program.

You’ll probably think that you’re just meant to be fat and miserable for the rest of your life. Harsh?

Yes, but these are the exact words I’ve heard time and time again from personal training clients, and 100′s of people who’ve come out to my group training programs all over the UK and mainland Europe. (But ultimately I always prove them wrong!)

I am the professor of harsh reality when it comes to fat loss and getting the body of your dreams…

You will not like me on days 5, 12 and 17 of this program, because I will take you so far out of your comfort zone, ask you to do things that seem to go against EVERYTHING you’ve been led to believe about fat loss, and you’ll think I am doing this stuff for some sick pleasure in seeing you struggle. (I promise its not)

But come day 20 (the morning after, the night before) you’ll stand on those scales, look in the mirror, and take your final measures you’ll see why, and see that it has been all worth while.

I’ve been criticized, shunned, hated and slammed by so many people in my industry for putting this information out there.

But secretly, they’ve all signed up for my program, followed it, discovered it works and copied it!… Yep, some even copied this program WORD FOR WORD, even the spelling mistakes and my bad grammer…

You see the 19 Day Get Lean Project is a culmination of 10′s of thousands of dollars worth of education, 100′s of hours of study, and 1000′s of REAL LIFE applications of the principles, on my training clients and those Project members who’ve gone before you.

I know that there are many ways to achieve weight loss, and more importantly, fat loss results…

Most are painfully slow, some are not particularly good for you… and a few are down-right dangerous.

I’ve tried many of these methods (including some of the dangerous ones) and I am happy to report that the 19 day program presented here, will net you better results in 19 days than pretty much any other training program in twice that time… And I will guarantee that right now!

You’ll also discover that my method should be called the “Get Healthy Project”, because a healthy body loses body fat, faster and maintains low levels of body fat better than any quick fix solution you might have come across before!

The guys and girls that join my training programs are everyday folk, just like you, wanting to pull on a clothing size or two smaller, want to have more confidence to rip off their shirt down the beach on their holidays and just feel happier with their body.

They have jobs, they have family, they have ups and downs, they even like to let their hair down from time to time, don’t we all!

What I’ve put together here is unique, by now you’ll have figured out I don’t really follow the herd…

The whole process is simply checking off the boxes...

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