Tuesday 7 January 2014

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Discover These 3 Simple Fitness Truths Every Woman NEEDS To Know...And How In LESS Than 12 Weeks, YOU Can Have Not Just The Body You Want—But The LIFE, Too

Look through all those women’s workout magazines on the newsstand, and you’ll find something missing… Something that's costing you your health, sabotaging your fitness, detracting from your natural, radiant beauty...and even messing with your sanity! Women’s magazines are notorious for one thing:

As you can see, Kim appears to have lost about 10 pounds. Looks like she had a little “digital liposuction” wouldn’t you say? Please understand. I’m not getting down on Kim. If anything, I’m sympathetic that a beautiful woman like Kim is made to feel like she has to be Photoshopped. But, here’s the thing…

First and foremost, no woman should ever be made to feel that she isn’t good enough. No woman should ever think that the only way she’ll look attractive is with high-tech CGI editing.

Now, look…I’m not going to try to convince you that you shouldn’t care about your appearance. I’m not going to try to convince you that there isn’t a connection between beauty and self-esteem.

In fact, there’s a very strong relationship between the way you look and the way you feel. I’ll talk more about that in a bit.

But I’m also not going to try to convince you that you should try to look like Kim Kardashian (Photoshopped or not), or that if you did look like her, you’d magically love your body and be endlessly happy for the rest of your life.

The only thing I’m going to try to convince you of is this: loving your body isn’t just about the way it looks; it’s about your power to change it.

What I mean is that being fit or thin or whatever you desire isn’t the key to loving your body; the key to really loving your body—and yourself—both inside and out, is the knowledge that you have the power to change it, mold it, and love it.

And you can start doing that, as soon as you understand the 3 basic truths about why women struggle with our bodies.

Seriously, it’s really that straightforward: there are 3 simple reasons we struggle with our bodies…3 simple reasons we fail to see results.

My name is Neghar Fonooni. I’m a health and life coach who works with women all over the world—and I have a not-so-secret secret weapon:

You see, it’s with fitness that I help women overcome major challenges, achieve their dreams and make the changes they want in their life.

It’s with my own brand of fitness—my methods, ideas, and programs—that I show women how to change their bodies…

“Neghar Fonooni knows her stuff! Professional, knowledgeable and a lot of fun…if you get a chance to learn from her or just be around her to experience her contagious attitude, you’ll walk away inspired!”

– Rachel Cosgrove, Owner of Results Fitness Author of The Female Body Breakthrough and Drop Two Sizes

Just as I’ve done with countless moms, wives, sisters, and even other trainers. I want to help you discover (as I myself discovered years ago) how learning the right ways to make changes to your body can help you achieve your dreams, whether it’s finding love, building a business, or finally feeling satisfied with yourself.

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