Friday 3 January 2014

Spam bully - email spam filter for outlook and outlook express, windows mail in vista and windows live mail

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"BEST BUY: This program's Bayesian filter rapidly adapts to new types of spam. After a few days of your feedback, it's smart enough to stop nearly all junk email from reaching your inbox." - Wired Magazine

"Spam-sniffing abilities that are very, very good on Day One and practically flawless after a week or so of very easy training." - Chicago Sun-Times

"Spam Bully is an efficient anti-spam tool that can help you avoid just about all spam in your Inbox." -

"This software is really intelligent. It's learned what my preferences are and has virtually eliminated my spam problem in just days. I'm definitely purchasing this program." - Linda Christie, Editor,

"SpamBully is one of the best pieces of software I have purchased. I was getting well over 100 spam emails per day until I downloaded this product. I tried others, even the one that is supposedly rated #1, but as far as I am concerned, Spam Bully is #1! Thanks for an excellent program. It has brought sanity back to email." - Jack Finnamore (Minnesota)

"I tried several different spam filters and Spam Bully was by far the easiest and the most comprehensive of the bunch." - Rick Jones

"I have a very old email address, and do not want to change it for many different reasons. Because I have an old email address, I have ended up on almost every spam list in the world. I usually receive 400-600 spam emails per day. Spam Bully has given me the freedom to once again enjoy reading my email." - Tim Hazelwood

"This is our third trial of a spam filter. SpamFighter and ihatespam did not keep spam out of our email. I was really so frustrated! But then we downloaded SpamBully and it has virtually eliminated spam in just a few days. This is the one we will most certainly keep and buy. Thank you for SpamBully! We are very pleased with the program. It is such a pleasure and a relief to open up the email and not see spam! Thank You!" - Dr. David and Rhonda Sitzes

"This is hands down the best spam blocker I have seen. It is way better than the McAfee system I was using." - Jack Lawless

"I get about 50 spam e-mails a day. My options were to change e-mail address (who knows how long before that is spammed plus the cost in time of advising all my contacts) or use an effective spam blocker Spam Bully. I've now got 99%+ of my spam identified by Spam Bully, and I can keep my e-mail address!" - Howard McClernon

"I have tried practically all anti spam software including MailWasher Pro and this software comes out tops. It offers you so much by way of dealing with spam. The reports are outstanding and presents you with a wealth of information that you can use. It is without a doubt exceptional software." - Anton Lasich - DURBS Magazine

"Excellent anti spam solution. I have tried most of the other programs out there and SpamBully definitely is the most accurate and easiest to use. Keep up the good work." - Ted Hannam

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