Sunday 12 January 2014

The 1000 calorie challenge

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Dear Friend, I want you to imagine something... I want you to imagine yourself burning MORE than 1,000 Calories EVERY workout, feeling (and looking) absolutely incredible each and every day, and consistently stripping away up to FIVE pounds of PURE fat week, after week...after week... Now how does that sound to you? Exactly. You see, the truth is you can burn a whopping THOUSAND calories EVERY workout, and you can look and feel your best while rapidly losing fat...but before we get in to how, you first you need to understand exactly why you're NOT:

Heavy dieting without exercise sends a massive signal to your brain that you're "starving", almost instantly putting the breaks on metabolism and bringing fat loss to a screeching halt.  It's your body's natural protection against low-calorie situations, and believe me, your brain doesn't have a clue (nor does it care) that the reason you've chosen to deprive yourself daily is strictly vanity derived. Instead, Landlord Body shuts off fat loss like an unpaid electric bill and even worse starts to "tax" your muscle tissue for lack of payment.  NOT the situation you want to be in for rapid fat loss. Bottom line, if you want to truly shed fat FAST, you need to be performing calorically expensive workouts. But there's a BIG problem associated with that fact:

That's over 467 pounds of fat lost just from those pictured above! Bottom line, we've been creating programs that yield incredible results for years, and the 1,000 Calorie Challenge is by far our most advanced, most tediously designed program to date. You see, we WANT you to completely dominate your workouts and watch the fat melt off faster than ever before, and we're determined to get you to a level of fitness—quickly—where you can do exactly that. Introducing...

Consulting directly with Arnel, 4 weeks of program design would run you at least $197, so when we say you're getting a real $197 value here, that's exactly what you're getting. And we're not even close to being done.

Very few people will EVER be able to say they completed a true 1,000 Calorie workout, but during this phase you'll be dominating them regularly—all while dropping up to 5 pounds of PURE fat each week.

Joel regularly charges $197 for dietary program design, so once again, when we say you’re getting a real $197 value here, that’s exactly what you’re getting.

And today, you have the opportunity to get the entire 10-component, $820 package for 2 easy payments of just $64.50!

But let me warn you, if you are LAZY and are simply looking for a "magic bullet" solution, this is not the program for you.  The simple fact of the matter is this:  the 1,000 Calorie Challenge is NOT a "quick fix."  It's a SMART fix to a very complex problem that consequently yields the fastest fat loss imaginable.  Oh, and did we mention that you'll probably even GAIN a couple pounds of firm, calorie-burning lean muscle while you lose fat at record speed?  That's unheard of.  But the reality is that we've had clients do it over and over again with this program. At the same time, we want to make sure we're being very clear:  make no mistake, this program takes work, and if you're one of these people who simply can't fully dedicate 8 short weeks to radically changing their body—a change that you will be able to enjoy for the rest of your LIFE—then please, do not invest in this system. But for those of you who are serious, those who are ready to put for the effort, the 1,000 Calorie Challenge will absolutely yield faster fat loss than anything else you've ever experienced—GUARANTEED.

Listen, we know this system works, as do the many indivuals who have...

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