Tuesday 14 January 2014

The millionaire mindset method - ann vertel, ph.d.

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When I was little, I was taught that money was a limited commodity reserved only for people “not like me” and if I wanted it, I was going to have to knuckle down, work like a dog, and scrimp and save until I had enough to keep me safe from the big, bad world.

Until I discovered just exactly how millionaires think and was stunned to learn that just about everything they think, say, and do is completely opposite to what I had been taught.

You have all the information and skills you need and know what to do, but you seem to keep getting in your own way.

Maybe you provide a fantastic product or service, but you still cringe at asking for money or believing you are worth the prices you know you should be charging.

When you do reach a financial goal, do you seem to back off taking it any farther?(and may even end up back where you started!)

I invite you to discover The Millionaire Mindset Method™ designed to help you deeply understand your money “story” and the messages you received about money throughout your life so you can finally change your relationship with money!

There is a reason why schools, parents, coaches, friends, and employers don’t teach kids how to become wealthy. You may have actually been conditioned to NOT be wealthy!

I’ll show you how your business – in fact your whole life – can change almost overnight by “un-learning” this conditioning.


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