Wednesday 15 January 2014

Why women struggle to lose fat

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But as we age this approach just doesn´t seem to work as well if at all and the older we get the harder it feels.

The things is women tend to be at a disadvantage when it comes to losing fat, changing body shape and improving health and performance?

There are distinct differences between men and women that I will reveal in this article that make losing fat and building muscle tone so much harder for women which explain why the majority of women are failing to see any noticeable and long lasting results.

However there is something you can do about it and I will tell you what if you give me just a few minutes of your time to read this article to the end. 

One of the big reasons why women are getting it wrong is that the vast majority of advice available is based on research done on men.

Not only that but women are bombarded with myths and misconceptions about training and nutrition that hold them back from really understanding how to improve their physiques.

 Therefore following the standard fat loss advice can lead to untold negative consequences for women.

As you will find out below there are differences in women and men´s bodies that make the whole process of body transformation so much more difficult for women to achieve.

These are important factors why so many women fail to reach their goals but are not known by the vast majority of women.

If you are woman struggling with fat loss, building muscle or just trying to improve your health and appearance then learning the next 5 facts will show you how to break out of this rut and start getting real and lasting results.

5 facts every women needs to understand if they want to lose fat, reclaim their health and get their ultimate body for life.

What recent studies are showing is that there is a difference between men and women in terms of how fat is used in the body for energy.

2. The metabolic boost and energy burn from exercise will deplete carb stores and allow you to burn more fat at rest as well. 

This explains why women who just follow diet after diet without doing very little exercise in general are struggling to make a real and significant progress.

Unless you are extremely disciplined with what and how much you eat which most of us are not then results will be slow and frustrating

Obviously more exercise is the answer but not just any type. Studies have shown that weight training and high intensity activities such as sprinting are best for women.

This type of training will not only demand more fat to be used for energy during your workout when women are more inclined to burn fat but also for elevating your metabolism for long periods after the workout has finished.

This means when you are resting you are burning more calories which will force your body to keep burning fat for longer.

Once a woman is able to reproduce their bodies begin to store fat especially around the hips and thighs in preparation for them getting pregnant.

Research suggests that U.S. women tend to have a low percentage of DHA in their gluteofemoral fat due to low intake of omega-3s.

When DHA is low this leads to excessive hunger cues, causing women to eat more, in the quest to store as much DHA...

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