Monday 3 February 2014

Oil rig jobs - how to get a job on the rigshow to get a job on the rigs - the number one source of information about entry level oil rig jobs

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Finally… The Mind Numbing Search is over! No more Long, Frustrating Hours Spent Trying To Find Oil Rig Jobs…

Can’t believe I found your website and information. At first I thought it was a scam but you offered a 60 day money back guarantee so that gave me confidence to purchase your membership and I’m so glad I did!

The information is priceless and you give all the details and tips I need, that will help me secure a job on the rigs.

The contacts alone are worth the price you charge. I was looking at the mines until I found your website!

To: Guys who want to earn the big bucks working on oilrigs From: Matt Cinnamond Oil Rig Worker, Author and founder of Working On The Rigs 12:08 pm Perth, WA

Okay, a little while ago, I was in a pretty similar position to you: trying to find a job on the rigs.

You see I’d just come back from a long trip overseas. I’d had a blast but now the holiday was over...

“Okay.” I thought, once the jet lag wore off, “What’s the best job I can get to earn big money, quickly?”

I did a bit of asking around and a bit of searching online and the same two answers kept cropping up:

...but I decided to go with the rigs because I didn’t want to have to move to a mining town, and...

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