Monday 10 February 2014

Paleo meal plans - easy paleo fat blast meal plans and recipes for weight loss

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In all my years as a personal fitness professional, I've had hundreds if not thousands of clients come to me for health and fitness advice. And one of the most common questions I get asked is, "But What Should I Eat?"

In the past, I would immediately start my long spiel, lecturing all about proteins, fats, etc. and spend a lot of time trying to teach them about nutrients and caloric intake. But the same question kept coming up, no matter how much I talked! "Yeah, but WHAT SHOULD I EAT?"

It didn't take long for me to figure out that people didn't want my long and complicated lectures about nutrition. Here's what they REALLY wanted to know:

So I went looking for the perfect plan, that included what I wanted it to include, while leaving out a lot of garbage that I DIDN'T want included. Here's the problem. The perfect plan just did not exist. In fact - there was nothing even close. Even a GOOD plan was impossible to find amidst all the crap.

Every meal plan I found included processed foods, chemical-filled meals, and an unhealthy imbalance of nutrients. I needed a customized done-for-you meal plan that included all the kinds of food that I recommend and that I know work for weight loss!

I was shocked at all the crap I found out there! If you've tried everything out there, like most of my clients, I'm sure you'll agree. There's an amazing amount of bad information out there. No carb, low carb, low fat, the Cereal Diet, the Cookie Diet, and on and on and on. You've probably even tried some of them. Maybe you've even tried working with a nutritionist or even a personal trainer. But chances are - IT DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU. And if it did, it was probably only temporary.

You see, processed foods, grains, gluten and sugar (found in most those diets you've probably tried) can cause inflammation, bloating, increased blood sugar, insulin spikes, food allergies and can actually PREVENT the body from being able to lose excess fat!

So after tons of research (and working with our Medical Director, an M.D. specializing in weight loss and hormone imbalances) the closest thing I could find to the Perfect Nutrition Plan for my clients is the PALEO DIET (aka the "caveman diet.")

What the heck is it? Here's the gist: It's eating CLEAN; pretty much anything you can catch, fish, hunt, gather, or grow. No junk. No crap. Just good clean food.

But let's be honest - when being very strict, the paleo plan can be a lot work, and quite frankly.... boring boring boring.

I knew that what I REALLY needed was tasty and easy-to-prepare meal plans that were paleo-friendly, but didn't require my choking down foods, just because they were good for me or on "the list."

I wanted a 6-week PALEO fat-blast plan that included healthy but tasty meals and included some variety at the same time! And I DIDN'T WANT TO BE HUNGRY!

So after careful research, I consulted with my Registered Dietitian and we laid out exactly what I wanted, and what I knew would WORK for my clients. And people just like you who wanted to lose weight without fad diets, pills or starvation. And here's what we came up with:

It's Paleo-friendly, (but be warned that we have included some low fat dairy products for variety) and calorically balanced with all the right foods that will still BLAST FAT - and satisfy your appetite so you're NOT HUNGRY. You'll be eating the right foods, in the right amounts, and in the right combinations, so you won't go hungry, and WON'T suffer...

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