Friday, 14 February 2014

Worksheets for preschool - preschool worksheets

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Between the ages of 3 and 6 years, your child is capable of learning and absorbing more information than you can imagine!

If you answered YES to the first two questions and NO to the third, then read on to learn how the David Dolphin Workbook Series will help your child.

“Free play is almost a child-development mantra in pre-kindergarten programs, in which toddlers are allowed to choose among rich educational toys and play in their own way. But new research suggests that children in such programs show fewer gains in reading and math skills than those provided with some sort of teacher instruction.”

Not everyone can manage to send their children to daycare, nursery school, or preschool. But everyone CAN help kickstart their child’s education with The David Dolphin Workbook Series.

Here are some of the benefits you will gain from using the preschool lessons in the David Dolphin Workbook Series:

That is how confident we are that the David Dolphin Worksheets for Preschool Workbooks will help your child learn the necessary concepts.

"My son Blair had an exceptional start in his primary and higher education which I soundly believe was due to his preschool grounding with Liz Allan's learning materials for preschool"

Please note: To keep costs low all our workbooks are downloadable PDF documents that needs to be printed. The images of the books are merely for display purposes.

Introducing the concepts of literacy and numeracy, this workbook introduces your child to the alphabet, numbers, shapes...

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