Friday 18 November 2016

How to propel your medical practice income to unlimited levels in 6 months

How to propel your medical practice income to unlimited levels in 6 months
Wipe-Out The ONE totally neglected business education gap you never even noticed took place....that happened during your medical school education and you now may recognize this deficiency as a profound necessity for your medical practice survival---and your families' survival as well!  A no B.S. fact!  Start today!

Business Lesson #1     "When you are willing to do what it takes to reach your maximal potential as a physician and demand the highest profitability from your medical practice, you should be hell-bent to invest your time and money in credible business information and business strategies provided by business and marketing experts and designed specifically for physicians who need help.  Right now you are a fingertip away from that perfect resource."

This eBook was written because I can see clearly now why my own medical practice failed financially.  My arrogance of, "I didn't know what I didn't know," prevented me from understanding why it all happened.  About 20 years later, I discovered the secret and made a commitment to point out my mistakes to other doctors who often face the same dilemmas I did, and tell them the truth about the factors that slowly eat away at the foundation of every medical practice when you likely aren't paying attention.

The shame of it all is that the loss of medical practice because of financial difficulties is totally preventable. That happens by following the expert advice of business and marketing experts.  Regrettably, the cost of hiring business management and marketing services far exceeds the cost most doctors can afford. The ammunition needed to enable doctors to do it themselves if they choose, at a much lower cost, is described in this...Read More detail


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