Friday 11 November 2016

The Arbicash System

The Arbicash System
Today�s Arbicash review is a little different from the others I�ve done in as much that it�s an ongoing project and a really interesting one too. So what�s Arbicash all about?

Well Arbicash in a nutshell is a �how to make money from Native Ads� training course by Jeff Hunt. Jeff is a website investor in other words he prefers to buy ready made businesses rather than start and build one from scratch. So from a business perspective he knows what he�s doing.

When a client of his asked him to evaluate a business that was for sale and netting around $20k per month before buying it, he effectively back engineered it and advised his client that he could easily do it himself and save the $300,000 asking price for the website.

So from noting down how to put a native ads website together the Arbicash system was born. Now for me and probably for you too it�s all well and good seeing these tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars numbers being thrown about and yes they peak everyone interest, especially for people who are looking for a way to make money online (yep like me). But the bottom line is does it work?

Well as I was watching the sales video and as I�ve got some good experience using native ads (it�s a technique I teach on our Platinum traffic coaching course over at and you can check out our 3 week intensive traffic mastery program here ) an idea popped into my mind to build a dedicated native ads website myself.

With this idea still in mind I watched the rest of the sales video (it�s nearly 20 mins � a bit long but worth it) to see what was on offer�

It has a lot to offer!
Now my idea was (and still is for now) to build a native ads website fill it with good content drive traffic and flip it. That�s what was going through my mind as I watched the sales video. so I hopped over to to see if there was any kind of demand for a content site like this.

Well I found one. It was a simple WordPress website with 25 articles on it, virtually no traffic, had made about $13 from adsense (in the past, so no current income) and being advertised as a website �with lots of potential� and it sold for the buy it now price which was just shy of $2000 before the end of the auction.

So is there a demand? I�d says so.
And there�s a bigger demand for a content website with traffic and a profitable ongoing income stream. So this kinda galvanised my idea as a good one. So back to Arbicash�

Like every profitable idea there has to be a system that you can work with. And rather than me designing one myself (why re-invent the wheel when it already exists, right) and based on the strength of my idea and the Arbicash system on offer � I bought it.

As you can see there�s not a lot of content on there yet (as of 27th July 2016) but that will change. And once I�ve got a good 10+ articles and a bit of a following on Facebook and some traffic, that�s when I�ll add in the native ads to generate the income.

So it�s an going project, Arbicash doesn�t promise overnight success (and that�s another appealing plus point), it promotes quality over quality, but I predict that within 3 or 4 months MensWorldHQ will have plenty of traffic going to it and will be generating a descent return from native ads.

At which point I�ll have a decision to make � flip it or keep and grow it. I love the niche so it�s going to be a tough one. Either way I�ll make some money!

Could Arbicash be improved?
Well for me it�s a well rounded system, but if you�re new to WordPress there isn�t any WordPress website building training included. However there is a link to a WordPress course inside the eBook, at an extra cost.

Having said that you could of course outsource the website building to someone on Fiverr, again at an additional cost. But if you get this right it would be well worth it.

So if I was to offer a negative at all it would be that it could do with having a WordPress course included. But there are plenty of those about � don�t want to be re-inventing the wheel again!

Although I can�t report any income for the Arbicash system, I can say it�s solid and presents a real opportunity to make good money from a simple content website.

It�s not a �get rich quick system� and it will require some work and time on your part to set this up. You�re going to need good content on your site before adding native ads, but with some patience and consistency you could end up with something pretty special.

Here�s my advise for niche selection. Pick a niche you�re interested in and build a website that is generic and not too specialized otherwise you�ll be limiting the amount of content you can create around it as well as minimizing any cross selling opportunities.

My Arbicash website for example is in the mens lifestyle niche, so there�s absolutely tons I can write about in virtually endless categories. So there�ll be no problem getting native ads on it to generate the income.


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