1. Generation Enggelmundus
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Research shows that EQ (Emotional Intelligence) counts for up to 80% of your child’s success in life. “EQ” is what will ultimately make your child Happier, deal better with stress, manage change and cope with conflict. EQ helps your child to learn better. EQ ultimately enables your child to be more successful in their lives.
We now know that IQ is just the “threshold factor” - the thing that gets your child through the door (of a good school or a good college) BUT EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is the thing that will keep him/her there!!!
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in shaping behavior is a simple one: those children who know their feelings are likely to be Happier, more Successful kids at home and at school.
While your child’s IQ is something that will remain static, Emotional Intelligence “EQ”, is something your child can develop. Children of all ages can develop their EQ easily and at any age. It is never too late to develop your child’s EQ.
QHow can I measure that my child’s EQ is growing? AAs you enjoy the tool over and over again, you will begin to see how your child is better at
No-one knows your child better than you do and you cangive your child the EQ skills they need to succeed in life TODAY!
Kids who have developed their Emotional Intelligence “EQ” will be able to learn better and thus get a Better Education.
Too many of our kids are troubled by depression, ADHD, eating disorders...
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