Sunday, 2 February 2014

Loving your body

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EFT Wizard Brad Yates & Sandy Zeldes, chef to celebrities, certified nutritionist and EFT practitioner, have teamed up to support you in creating a healthier relationship with your body and with food. In a two-part teleclass, we'll tell you what we've learned in our combined experience in helping many people with food cravings and weight loss. Because sometimes information isn't enough - since part of you will often resist change at an energetic level - you'll also be guided through powerful tapping rounds to support these positive changes. If you have been struggling with losing weight, emotional eating, sugar cravings and food addiction and feel like you have to give up all of your favorite foods or go on some new improved crazy diet to get it all under control... you won't want to miss these calls! In this class you will learn: * The biggest secrets about weight loss and food obsession we know * Why hyper-vigilance with food is not the answer but just a symptom of the problem * How being obsessed about weight will make you GAIN weight and how to STOP doing it * How to stop self-sabotage with weight loss * The way to stop emotional eating and sugar cravings almost overnight for many * A very simple way to tap into your own spirituality or higher power fast and feel connected, inspired and guided in your life so you can heal this issue or any other faster and with more ease * What the biggest obstacles to craving control and weight loss are for so many people and how to remove them The fee for this program is only $37...! Come join us and release weight and cravings now! Purchase Now Please note: While you will receive great benefits from tapping, purchase and use of any of the EFT programs on this site signifies that you have read and understood the disclaimer, and have agreed to its terms. Your credit card statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM.

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